
constrain(uv::AbstractUncertainValue, constraint::SamplingConstraint)

Apply the constraint and truncate the support of the distribution furnishing the uncertain value uv. Returns a constrained uncertain value.


Examples: constraining uncertain values

Theoretical distributions

using UncertainData, Distributions

# Define an uncertain value furnished by a theoretical distribution
uv = UncertainValue(Normal, 1, 0.5)

# Constrain the support of the furnishing distribution using various
# constraints
uvc_lq = constrain(uv, TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2))
uvc_uq = constrain(uv, TruncateUpperQuantile(0.8))
uvc_q = constrain(uv, TruncateQuantiles(0.2, 0.8))
uvc_min = constrain(uv, TruncateMinimum(0.5))
uvc_max = constrain(uv, TruncateMaximum(1.5))
uvc_range = constrain(uv, TruncateRange(0.5, 1.5))

Theoretical distributions with fitted parameters

using UncertainData, Distributions

# Define an uncertain value furnished by a theoretical distribution with
# parameters fitted to empirical data
uv = UncertainValue(Normal, rand(Normal(-1, 0.2), 1000))

# Constrain the support of the furnishing distribution using various
# constraints
uvc_lq = constrain(uv, TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2))
uvc_uq = constrain(uv, TruncateUpperQuantile(0.8))
uvc_q = constrain(uv, TruncateQuantiles(0.2, 0.8))
uvc_min = constrain(uv, TruncateMinimum(0.5))
uvc_max = constrain(uv, TruncateMaximum(1.5))
uvc_range = constrain(uv, TruncateRange(0.5, 1.5))

Kernel density estimated distributions

# Define an uncertain value furnished by a kernel density estimate to the
# distribution of the empirical data
uv = UncertainValue(UnivariateKDE, rand(Uniform(10, 15), 1000))

# Constrain the support of the furnishing distribution using various
# constraints
uvc_lq = constrain(uv, TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2))
uvc_uq = constrain(uv, TruncateUpperQuantile(0.8))
uvc_q = constrain(uv, TruncateQuantiles(0.2, 0.8))
uvc_min = constrain(uv, TruncateMinimum(13))
uvc_max = constrain(uv, TruncateMaximum(13))
uvc_range = constrain(uv, TruncateRange(11, 12))

(nested) weighted populations of uncertain values

Let's define a complicated uncertain value that is defined by a nested weighted population.

# Some subpopulations consisting of both scalar values and distributions
subpop1_members = [UncertainValue(Normal, 0, 1), UncertainValue(Uniform, -2, 2), -5]
subpop2_members = [UncertainValue(Normal, -2, 1), UncertainValue(Uniform, -6, -1),
                    -3, UncertainValue(Gamma, 1, 0.4)]

# Define the probabilities of sampling the different population members within the 
# subpopulations. Weights are normalised, so we can input any numbers here indicating 
# relative importance
subpop1_probs = [1, 2, 1]
subpop2_probs = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1]

pop1 = UncertainValue(subpop1_members, subpop1_probs)
pop2 = UncertainValue(subpop2_members, subpop2_probs)

# Define the probabilities of sampling the two subpopulations in the overall population.
pop_probs = [0.3, 0.7]

# Construct overall population
pop_mixed = UncertainValue([pop1, pop2], pop_probs)

Now we can draw samples from this nested population. Sampling directly from the entire distribution is done by calling resample(pop_mixed, n_draws). However, in some cases we might want to constrain the sampling to some minimum, maximum or range of values. You can do that by using sampling constraints.


To truncate the overall population below at some absolute value, use a TruncateMinimum sampling constraint.

constraint = TruncateMinimum(-1.1)
pop_mixed_constrained = constrain(pop_mixed, constraint);

n_draws = 500
x = resample(pop_mixed, n_draws)
xc = resample(pop_mixed_constrained, n_draws)

p1 = scatter(x, label = "", title = "resampling before constraint")
p2 = scatter(xc, label = "", title = "resampling after constraint")
hline!([constraint.min], label = "TruncateMinimum(-1.1)")
plot(p1, p2, layout = (2, 1), link = :both, ylims = (-3, 3), ms = 1)
xlabel!("Sampling #"); ylabel!("Value")


To truncate the overall population above at some absolute value, use a TruncateMaximum sampling constraint.

constraint = TruncateMaximum(1.5)
pop_mixed_constrained = constrain(pop_mixed, constraint);

n_draws = 500
x = resample(pop_mixed, n_draws)
xc = resample(pop_mixed_constrained, n_draws)

p1 = scatter(x, label = "", title = "resampling before constraint")
p2 = scatter(xc, label = "", title = "resampling after constraint")
hline!([constraint.max], label = "TruncateMaximum(1.5)")
plot(p1, p2, layout = (2, 1), link = :both, ylims = (-3, 3), ms = 1)
xlabel!("Sampling #"); ylabel!("Value")


To truncate the overall population above at some range of values, use a TruncateRange sampling constraint.

constraint = TruncateRange(-1.5, 1.7)
pop_mixed_constrained = constrain(pop_mixed, constraint);

n_draws = 500
x = resample(pop_mixed, n_draws)
xc = resample(pop_mixed_constrained, n_draws)

p1 = scatter(x, label = "", title = "resampling before constraint")
p2 = scatter(xc, label = "", title = "resampling after constraint")
hline!([constraint.min, constraint.max], label = "TruncateRange(-1.5, 1.7)")

plot(p1, p2, layout = (2, 1), link = :both, ylims = (-3, 3), ms = 1)
xlabel!("Sampling #"); ylabel!("Value")


To truncate the overall population below at some quantile of the overall population, use a TruncateLowerQuantile sampling constraint.

constraint = TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2)

# Constrain the population below at the lower 20th percentile
# Resample the entire population (and its subpopulations) according to 
# their probabilities 30000 times to determine the percentile bound.
n_draws = 30000
pop_mixed_constrained = constrain(pop_mixed, constraint, n_draws);

# Calculate quantile using the same number of samples for plotting.
# Will not be exactly the same as the quantile actually used for 
# truncating, except in the limit n -> ∞
q = quantile(resample(pop_mixed, n_draws), constraint.lower_quantile)

n_draws_plot = 3000
x = resample(pop_mixed, n_draws_plot)
xc = resample(pop_mixed_constrained, n_draws_plot)

p1 = scatter(x, label = "", title = "resampling before constraint")
p2 = scatter(xc, label = "", title = "resampling after constraint")
hline!([lq], label = "TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2)")
plot(p1, p2, layout = (2, 1), link = :both, ms = 1, ylims = (-6, 4))
xlabel!("Sampling #"); ylabel!("Value")


To truncate the overall population below at some quantile of the overall population, use a TruncateUpperQuantile sampling constraint.

constraint = TruncateUpperQuantile(0.8)

# Constrain the population below at the lower 20th percentile
# Resample the entire population (and its subpopulations) according to 
# their probabilities 30000 times to determine the percentile bound.
n_resample_draws = 30000
pop_mixed_constrained = constrain(pop_mixed, constraint, n_resample_draws);

# Calculate quantile using the same number of samples for plotting.
# Will not be exactly the same as the quantile actually used for 
# truncating, except in the limit n_resample_draws -> ∞
q = quantile(resample(pop_mixed, n_resample_draws), constraint.upper_quantile)

n_plot_draws = 3000
x = resample(pop_mixed, n_plot_draws)
xc = resample(pop_mixed_constrained, n_plot_draws)

p1 = scatter(x, label = "", title = "resampling before constraint")
p2 = scatter(xc, label = "", title = "resampling after constraint")
hline!([q], label = "TruncateUpperQuantile(0.8)")
plot(p1, p2, layout = (2, 1), link = :both, ms = 1, ylims = (-6, 4))
xlabel!("Sampling #"); ylabel!("Value")


To truncate the overall population below at some quantile of the overall population, use a TruncateQuantiles sampling constraint.

constraint = TruncateQuantiles(0.2, 0.8)

# Constrain the population below at the lower 20th percentile
# Resample the entire population (and its subpopulations) according to 
# their probabilities 30000 times to determine the percentile bound.
n_resample_draws = 30000
pop_mixed_constrained = constrain(pop_mixed, constraint, n_resample_draws);

# Calculate quantile using the same number of samples for plotting.
# Will not be exactly the same as the quantile actually used for 
# truncating, except in the limit n_resample_draws -> ∞
s = resample(pop_mixed, n_resample_draws)
qs = quantile(s, [constraint.lower_quantile, constraint.upper_quantile])

n_plot_draws = 3000
x = resample(pop_mixed, n_plot_draws)
xc = resample(pop_mixed_constrained, n_plot_draws)

p1 = scatter(x, label = "", title = "resampling before constraint")
p2 = scatter(xc, label = "", title = "resampling after constraint")
hline!([qs], label = "TruncateQuantiles(0.2, 0.8)")

plot(p1, p2, layout = (2, 1), link = :both, ms = 1, ylims = (-6, 4))
xlabel!("Sampling #"); ylabel!("Value")