Anderson-darling test

Regular test

OneSampleADTest(uv::UncertainValue, d::UnivariateDistribution,
    n::Int = 1000) -> OneSampleADTest

Perform a one-sample Anderson–Darling test of the null hypothesis that a draw of n realisations of the uncertain value uv comes from the distribution d against the alternative hypothesis that the sample is not drawn from d.


Pooled test

OneSampleADTestPooled(ud::UncertainDataset, d::UnivariateDistribution,
    n::Int = 1000)) -> OneSampleADTest

First, draw n realisations of each uncertain value in ud and pool them together. Then perform a one-sample Anderson–Darling test of the null hypothesis that the pooled values comes from the distribution d against the alternative hypothesis that the sample is not drawn from d.


Element-wise test

OneSampleADTestElementWise(ud::UncertainDataset, d::UnivariateDistribution,
    n::Int = 1000)) -> Vector{OneSampleADTest}

First, draw n realisations of each uncertain value in ud, keeping one pool of values for each uncertain value. Then, perform an element-wise (pool-wise) one-sample Anderson–Darling test of the null hypothesis that each value pool comes from the distribution d against the alternative hypothesis that the sample is not drawn from d.
