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List of sequential constraints

The following constraints may be used to impose sequential constraints when sampling a collection of uncertain values element-wise.


# UncertainData.SamplingConstraints.StrictlyIncreasingType.


A sampling constraint indicating element-wise sampling of the uncertain values in a dataset, such that the values of the draw are strictly increasing in magnitude.

Typically used when there are known, physical constraints on the measurements. For example, geochemical measurements of sediments at different depths of a sediment core are taken at physically separate depths in the core. Thus, the order of the indices cannot be flipped, and must be strictly decreasing/increasing.



# UncertainData.SamplingConstraints.StrictlyDecreasingType.


A sampling constraint indicating element-wise sampling of the uncertain values in a dataset, such that the values of the draw are strictly decreasing in magnitude.

Typically used when there are known, physical constraints on the measurements. For example, geochemical measurements of sediments at different depths of a sediment core are taken at physically separate depths in the core. Thus, the order of the indices cannot be flipped, and must be strictly decreasing/increasing.
