Resampling uncertain values

Uncertain values may be resampled by drawing random number from the distributions furnishing them.



Sample the uncertain value once, drawing values from the entire support of the probability distribution furnishing it.

resample(uv::AbstractUncertainValue, n::Int)

Sample the uncertain value n times, drawing values from the entire support of the probability distribution furnishing it.



using Distributions, UncertainData

# Generate some uncertain values
uv_theoretical = UncertainValue(Normal, 4, 0.2)
uv_theoretical_fitted = UncertainValue(Normal, rand(Normal(1, 0.2), 1000))
uv_kde = UncertainValue(rand(Gamma(4, 5), 1000))

using Distributions, UncertainData

# Generate some uncertain values
uv_theoretical = UncertainValue(Normal, 4, 0.2)
uv_theoretical_fitted = UncertainValue(Normal, rand(Normal(1, 0.2), 1000))
uv_kde = UncertainValue(rand(Gamma(4, 5), 1000))

n = 500
resample(uv_theoretical, n)
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, n)
resample(uv_kde, n)

Resampling can also be performed with constraints.

  • resample(uv::AbstractUncertainValue, constraint::SamplingConstraint) samples the uncertain value once, drawing from a restricted range of the support of the the probability distribution furnishing it.

  • resample(uv::AbstractUncertainValue, constraint::SamplingConstraint, n::Int) samples the uncertain value n times, drawing values from a restricted range of the support of the the probability distribution furnishing it.

Available sampling constraints are:

  1. TruncateStd(nσ::Int)
  2. TruncateMinimum(min::Number)
  3. TruncateMaximum(max::Number)
  4. TruncateRange(min::Number, max::Number)
  5. TruncateLowerQuantile(lower_quantile::Float64)
  6. TruncateUpperQuantile(upper_quantile::Float64)
  7. TruncateQuantiles(lower_quantile::Float64, upper_quantile::Float64)

For full documentation of the constraints, see the available constraints in the menu.

using Distributions, UncertainData

# Generate some uncertain values
uv_theoretical = UncertainValue(Normal, 4, 0.2)
uv_theoretical_fitted = UncertainValue(Normal, rand(Normal(1, 0.2), 1000))
uv_kde = UncertainValue(rand(Gamma(4, 5), 1000))

# Resample the uncertain value with the restriction that the sampled
# values must be higher than the 0.2-th quantile of the distribution
# furnishing the value.
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2))
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2))
resample(uv_kde, TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2))

n = 100
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2), n)
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2), n)
resample(uv_kde, TruncateLowerQuantile(0.2))
using Distributions, UncertainData

# Generate some uncertain values
uv_theoretical = UncertainValue(Normal, 4, 0.2)
uv_theoretical_fitted = UncertainValue(Normal, rand(Normal(1, 0.2), 1000))
uv_kde = UncertainValue(rand(Gamma(4, 5), 1000))

# Resample the uncertain value  with the restriction that the sampled
# values must be lower than the 0.95-th quantile of the distribution
# furnishing the value.
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateUpperQuantile(0.95))
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateUpperQuantile(0.95))
resample(uv_kde, TruncateUpperQuantile(0.95))

n = 100
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateUpperQuantile(0.95), n)
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateUpperQuantile(0.95), n)
resample(uv_kde, TruncateUpperQuantile(0.95))
using Distributions, UncertainData

# Generate some uncertain values
uv_theoretical = UncertainValue(Normal, 4, 0.2)
uv_theoretical_fitted = UncertainValue(Normal, rand(Normal(1, 0.2), 1000))
uv_kde = UncertainValue(rand(Gamma(4, 5), 1000))

# Resample the uncertain value with the restriction that the sampled
# values must be within the (0.025, 0.975) quantile range.
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateQuantiles(0.025, 0.975))
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateQuantiles(0.025, 0.975))
resample(uv_kde, TruncateQuantiles(0.025, 0.975))

n = 100
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateQuantiles(0.025, 0.975), n)
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateQuantiles(0.025, 0.975), n)
resample(uv_kde, TruncateQuantiles(0.025, 0.975))
using Distributions, UncertainData

# Generate some uncertain values
uv_theoretical = UncertainValue(Normal, 4, 0.2)
uv_theoretical_fitted = UncertainValue(Normal, rand(Normal(1, 0.2), 1000))
uv_kde = UncertainValue(rand(Gamma(4, 5), 1000))

# Resample the uncertain value with the restriction that the sampled
# values have -2 as a lower bound.
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateMinimum(-2))
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateMinimum(-2))
resample(uv_kde, TruncateMinimum(-2))

n = 100
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateMinimum(-2), n)
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateMinimum(-2), n)
resample(uv_kde, TruncateMinimum(-2))
using Distributions, UncertainData

# Generate some uncertain values
uv_theoretical = UncertainValue(Normal, 4, 0.2)
uv_theoretical_fitted = UncertainValue(Normal, rand(Normal(1, 0.2), 1000))
uv_kde = UncertainValue(rand(Gamma(4, 5), 1000))

# Resample the uncertain value with the restriction that the sampled
# values have 3 as an upper bound.
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateMaximum(3))
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateMaximum(3))
resample(uv_kde, TruncateMaximum(3))

n = 100
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateMaximum(3), n)
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateMaximum(3), n)
resample(uv_kde, TruncateMaximum(3))
using Distributions, UncertainData

# Generate some uncertain values
uv_theoretical = UncertainValue(Normal, 4, 0.2)
uv_theoretical_fitted = UncertainValue(Normal, rand(Normal(1, 0.2), 1000))
uv_kde = UncertainValue(rand(Gamma(4, 5), 1000))

# Resample the uncertain value with the restriction that the sampled
# values must have values on the interval [-1, 1]. We first sample once,
# then 50 times.
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateRange(-1, 1))
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateRange(-1, 1))
resample(uv_kde, TruncateRange(-1, 1))

n = 100
resample(uv_theoretical, TruncateRange(-1, 1), n)
resample(uv_theoretical_fitted, TruncateRange(-1, 1), n)
resample(uv_kde, TruncateRange(-1, 1))