Generic uncertain datasets

UncertainDatasets is a generic uncertain dataset type that has no explicit index associated with its uncertain values.

It inherits all the behaviour of AbstractUncertainValueDataset, but may lack some functionality that an UncertainValueDataset has.

If you don't care about distinguishing between indices and data values, constructing instances of this data type requires five less key presses than UncertainValueDataset.


Defining an UncertainDataset from a collection of uncertain values

Let's create a random walk and pretend it represents fluctuations in the mean of an observed dataset. Assume that each data point is normally distributed, and that the $i$-th observation has standard deviation $\sigma_i \in [0.3, 0.5]$.

Representing these data as an UncertainDataset is done as follows:

using UncertainData, Plots

# Create a random walk of 55 steps
n = 55
rw = cumsum(rand(Normal(), n))

# Represent each value of the random walk as an uncertain value and
# collect them in an UncertainDataset
dist = Uniform(0.3, 0.5)
uncertainvals = [UncertainValue(Normal, rw[i], rand(dist)) for i = 1:n]
D = UncertainDataset(uncertainvals)

By default, plotting the dataset will plot the median values (only for scatter plots) along with the 33rd to 67th percentile range error bars.


You can customize the error bars by explicitly providing the quantiles:

plot(D, [0.05, 0.95])

Example 2: mixing different types of uncertain values

Mixing different types of uncertain values also works. Let's create a dataset of uncertain values constructed in different ways.

using UncertainData, Distributions, Plots

# Theoretical distributions
o1 = UncertainValue(Normal, 0, 0.5)
o2 = UncertainValue(Normal, 2, 0.3)
o3 = UncertainValue(Uniform, 0, 4)

# Theoretical distributions fitted to data
o4 = UncertainValue(Uniform, rand(Uniform(), 100))
o5 = UncertainValue(Gamma, rand(Gamma(2, 3), 5000))

# Kernel density estimated distributions for some more complex data.
M1 = MixtureModel([Normal(-5, 0.5), Gamma(2, 5), Normal(12, 0.2)])
M2 = MixtureModel([Normal(-2, 0.1), Normal(1, 0.2)])
o6 = UncertainValue(rand(M1, 1000))
o7 = UncertainValue(rand(M2, 1000))

D = UncertainDataset([o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7])

Now, plot the uncertain dataset.

using Plots
# Initialise the plot
p = plot(legend = false, xlabel = "time step", ylabel = "value")

# Plot the mean of the dataset
plot!([median(D[i]) for i = 1:length(D)], label = "mean", lc = :blue, lw = 3)

for i = 1:200
    plot!(p, resample(D), lw = 0.4, lα = 0.1, lc = :black)
