Weighted populations

The UncertainScalarPopulation type allows representation of an uncertain scalar represented by a population of values who will be sampled according to a vector of explicitly provided probabilities. Think of it as an explicit kernel density estimate.

Generic constructor

UncertainValue(values::Vector, probs::Union{Vector, AbstractWeights})

Construct a population whose members are given by values and whose sampling probabilities are given by probs. The elements of values can be either numeric or uncertain values of any type.


Type documentation

UncertainScalarPopulation(values, probs)
UncertainScalarPopulation(values, probs::Vector{Number})
UncertainScalarPopulation(values, probs::Statsbase.AbstractWeights)

An UncertainScalarPopulation, which consists of some population members (values) and some weights (probs) that indicate the relative importance of the population members (for example during resampling).


  • values: The members of the population. Can be either numerical values, any type of uncertain value defined in this package (including populations), and Measurement instances from Measurements.jl.
  • probs: The probabilities of sampling each member of the population.


  • If values contains only scalar numeric values, then the values field will be of type Vector{Number}.
  • If values contains one or more uncertain values, then the values field will be of type Vector{AbstractUncertainValue}


# Uncertain population consisting of CertainValues (scalars get promoted to 
# CertainValue), theoretical distributions and KDE distributions
pop1 = UncertainScalarPopulation(
    [3.0, UncertainValue(Normal, 0, 1), UncertainValue(Gamma, 2, 3), 
    UncertainValue(Uniform, rand(1000))], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])

# Uncertain population consisting of scalar values
pop2 = UncertainScalarPopulation([1, 2, 3], rand(3))
pop3 = UncertainScalarPopulation([1, 2, 3], Weights(rand(3)))

# Uncertain population consisting of uncertain populations
pop4 = UncertainScalarPopulation([pop1, pop2], [0.1, 0.5])

# Uncertain population consisting of uncertain populations, a scalar and 
# a normal distribution. Assign random weights.
vals = [pop1, pop2, 2, UncertainValue(Normal, 0.3, 0.014)]
pop5 = UncertainScalarPopulation(vals, Weights(rand(4)))